Focus on more important things while we do all of the dirty work. Compare, book, and manage your shipments all in one place. Get your products from factory to warehouse cheaply, quickly, and safely.
We'll ship your goods directly to your FBA warehouse in tip-top condition, quicker, and at a cheaper price. Our solution includes customs clearance, taxes & duties, label validation, free insurance, and anything else you can think of!
While we handle everything, from customs clearance and tax & duties to acting as your importer of record. Make your operations team’s life easier with smart technology that lets you instantly compare freight rates and manage all your shipments.
Successful brands trust us
to take their logistics forward
Countries and 350+ shipping routes available in our worldwide network
Kilograms of outstanding products
we are proud to ship annually
Check out our shipping rates, choose what's best for you.
Selecte your preferred quote, simply click 'confirm booking'.
From factory to warehouse and every step in-between.
Experience the benefits of a digital freight forwarder with Bookairfreight.
Top tips from shipping experts. Our blog is full to the brim with actionable advice that will help you ship cheaper and smarter.
Learn invaluable insights on how to get the most out of your logistics, regardless of experience level.
Handy online dictionary containing all the shipping terms you will come across, explained plainly with FAQs and examples.
Over a dozen free document templates that will come in handy. Save them now so you don't forget!